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發(fā)布時間: 2023-04-28 13:42:11


curtain /?0?4k?0?8?0?9tn/ DJ /?0?4k?0?8?0?9rtn/ DJ US /'k?0?9tn?0?1/ KK US noun a piece of fabric that is hung to cover a window 窗簾 countable to draw/pull/close the curtains(= to pull them across the window so they cover it) 把窗簾拉上 to draw/draw back/pull back the curtains(= to open them, so that the window is no longer covered) 把窗簾拉開 It was ten in the morning but the curtains were still drawn(= closed) 已是早上十點鐘了,可窗簾還拉著。a pair of curtains 一對窗簾 See also: drape net curtain Synonym American English a piece of fabric that is hung up as a screen in a room or around a bed, for example 簾;幔;(遮隔房間的)帷幔;床帷 countable a shower curtain 淋浴簾 See also: the Iron Curtain a piece of thick, heavy fabric that hangs in front of the stage in the theatre (舞臺上的)幕,帷幕 singular The audience was waiting for the curtain to rise(= for the play to begin) 觀眾在等待開幕。There was tremendous applause when the curtain came down(= the play ended) 幕落時響起了經久不息的掌聲。We left just before the final curtain 我們剛好在演出結束前離開。The curtain has fallen on her long and distinguished career(= her career has ended) 她那漫長而成就卓著的事業(yè)生涯已告結束。figurative It's time to face the final curtain(= the end; death) 人生的戲該落幕了。figurative a thing that covers, hides or protects something 覆蓋物;隱蔽物;防護物 countable usually singular a curtain of rain/smoke 雨╱煙幕 She pushed back the curtain of brown hair from her eyes 她把棕色的頭發(fā)從眼前攏到腦后。Idiom: be curtains (for somebody) informal to be a situation without hope or that you cannot escape from 絕望的處境;無法擺脫的困境;完蛋 When I saw he had a gun, I thought it was curtains for me 我一見他有槍,就想這下子我算是完了。Idiom: bring down the curtain on something; bring the curtain down on something to finish or mark the end of something 結束;標志著…的終結 His sudden decision to retire brought down the curtain on a distinguished career 他突然決定退休結束了他成就斐然的職業(yè)生涯。verb to provide curtains for a window or a room 給(窗戶或房間)裝上簾子 VN Phrasal: curtain something?6?2off to separate an area of a room with a curtain or curtains 用簾子隔開



curtain ['k?:t?n]

n 幕;窗簾

vt 遮蔽;裝上門簾

eg:His silhouette appeared on the curtain




英 ['k??t(?)n]

美 ['k?tn]

n 幕;窗簾

vt 遮蔽;裝上門簾



Curtain 窗簾,簾,帷幕

curtain wall 幕墻,護墻,玻璃幕墻

air curtain 空氣幕,風簾,空氣簾


[詞典] curtain; portiere; door curtain; tent fly;


He drew back the tent flap and strode out into the blizzard

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